
Monday, January 2, 2012

Unexplained or simply an over active imagination....

From a very young age, I've been attracted to all things paranormal. Be it Ghosts, Aliens, and the unknown. I would sit with my grandmother and ask her to tell me horror stories for fun. I remember sitting there so intrigued, my imagination going wild. My dad would talk about aliens, and my favorite shows were always pertaining to ghosts or mysteries.                           

As I got older, my fascination with the unknown grew. There's an old tale that my mom's family told. They say when you're about to die, your spiritual body 'soul' 'being' will make visits to anyone who is important to them. They manifest themselves as real, living beings. These beings would talk to their loved ones like it was any ol' day. Then a few days later they'd be told that the person had passed away  the day after they visited. That always stuck with me. I would wonder if it would ever happen to me. It hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't mean that it can't or wont...

My first ghostly encounter was right after my grandfather passed. I had just returned from his wake and ran up to the apartment to grab something. I walked in, grabbed what I needed and was headed out the door but when I tried to open it, it wouldn't budge. Our apartment building was built in the 1800's and had very old wooden doors and locks. I blamed my entrapment to just that. I tried to open it for what seemed like an eternity. I ran into my parents room and yelled out the window, 'I can't get out, I'm stuck' My parents looked at me like I was a nut. Did you try unlocking it? they asked. Well duh, hello! Just wiggle it and it should work. Well, I wiggled and wiggled the door until it finally opened. I ran downstairs not thinking anything of it. Two days later, my dad was trapped in the apartment. He tried for 30 minutes he said, until he finally just sat down and said, Heriberto, miestro, dejeme abrir la puerta. Heriberto was my grandfather's name and Miestro is what they called one another. It's slang for Maestro. My dad laughed and walked up to the door and it opened. Weird huh? Well, I think it was my grandfather playing a prank on me also. My gpa and I were very close. I was his first grand daughter and for that he had me spoiled. We would always joke around like that.

So I know I didn't see a ghost, nor is there concrete evidence that my being stuck was him but I'd like to think that perhaps it was him, playing one last joke on his grand daughter. 

My second encounter came years later after my grandmother passed. I was in the 9th or 10th grade. I had been wanting to see a new Tool video that had come out a few weeks prior and I was finally able to catch the video one night.This was when MTV still aired Music Videos. So I was sitting alone in the Living room of my parents house, everyone had already gone to bed, and the whole house was dark except the light from the TV. I was sitting on the edge of the coffee table when out of the corner of my eye I catch a shadow lingering. As I turn my head, the shadow proceeds to go up the stairs. I immediately turned off the tv and ran up stairs like a bat outta hell. My grandmother's room was across the hall from mine so I just quickly turned the corner and ran into my room. The next morning I told my parents what had happened and my mom being the sensible one of the family said it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. My dad on the other hand, is also a big believer of spiritual beings. He later told me that perhaps it was my grandmother going to her room. I do believe that it might have been her. Oh let me back track a bit. I forgot to mention that one night before the shadowy imagine I had woken up with some pretty gnarly scratches on my back. I had attributed to me scratching my self in the night. However, the scratches were on a part of my back that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't reach with ease. I'm not sure how they got there but one thing is for certain. It wasn't me. Later that year, my friend Melissa came to visit from NY. One night she says that as she's going to sleep she felt someone grab her legs from about her knees and slide down to her ankles. It wasn't me as I was already asleep and no one else was in the room. 

There's an urban legend that says when you get a whiff of roses, a spirit is about. I've experienced this once. I was babysitting and had just come down from putting them to bed when I got a hint of roses. I freaked out because I was alone in the house and not my house. I just sank into the couch and waiting impatiently for their parents to come. 

I went a few years without any sort of activity until 2007. J and I had just moved into an apartment when it began again. This time I didn't see anything just felt things. I wouldn't feel them all the time but when I did it shook me to my core. I would feel things following me or just there. We then moved out and into an apartment with one of our friends. It followed me there. I would again feel something behind me but when I turned around there was nothing. We moved again into yet another apartment and acquired a cat. Yes we are semi nomadic. Well this cat would sit at the end of the hallway and just stare at the wall. She wouldn't move just stared. It freaked me out. The feeling of being stared at is annoying enough when it's an actual person but when it's something you cannot see it just irritating beyond words. This lasted for about half a year until we moved AGAIN into a duplex down the street. Let me give you a little background on the place we're at now. The duplex is literaly down the street from where we previously lived. We were on the hunt for something with a back yard since we were expecting Jett to arrive at the Beginning of the year. We looked around for something nice enough to hold us off until we moved into a house that we would own. We found this place in a nice area, the rent wasn't bad, it has a backyard and it was a decent size. The tenants that lived here before us were nuns... okay, nuns are creepy. I'm sorry if I offend anyone by saying that, but it's my personal opinion.
This is what I think of. I remember seeing this cover when I was a kid and being extremely frightened. 
So, we move in and even before bringing anything into the house, I felt something very familiar. I was uneasy walking into the place but didn't think anything of it. I told myself I was much too old to actually believe in ghosts. But in the back of my mind I knew I wasn't. I knew I felt something, and my feelings became a reality shortly after. 

We had just brought Jett home from the hospital and were getting into the swing of things. I would wake up at all hours of the night to feed or change him. I had J's help so he'd wake up and tend to him when I was just too beat to move. One night J woke up to feed Jett while I tried to catch some zzz's. The next morning, I walk into the baby's room and I see the swing is turned on. Just rocking back and forth. I looked at the knob and it was turned on. I turned it off and went about my day. A few days later I was talking to J and just happened to bring up that night. Mid conversation I asked, Hey did you turn on the swing the other night? *Record scratch* Blank look on his face um NO. I thought you did. No I was asleep the whole time. He said when he walked into his room the swing was going full blast and he thought I had forgotten to turn it off from earlier in the day. 
That did not sit well with me. I was officially freaked out. After that, things started happening more frequently. J said he heard grows coming from the kitchen and when he walked to it, it would stop. After 3 attempts at trying to figure out what it was, he was frightened enough to turn off his Play Station and come to bed. Jett constantly looks past me, behind me, stares. Sometimes laughs, sometimes he just looks and talks. It's frighting. I don't know what he sees. I don't know if he does actually see something or if he's just being silly. But I constantly feel like I'm being watched. I hear foot steps, and see shadows. It's gotten past the point of annoyance and gone straight to fear. J has even seen a figure sitting on the bed and thinking it was me but I wasn't even at the house. Jett was with my parents and I had gone out for the night. He was completely alone in the house. 

One evening, this was before J saw the figure sitting next to him. I had my cousin and his girlfriend over for drinks. We were sitting out side talking when the conversation turned to ghosts. We were telling his gf about a night that Chris and I had been sitting on the sofa watching a program about aliens when we both saw a large burly shadow walking past the window outside. I didn't say anything at first and neither did he. It was finally after a few minutes of silence that I said, do you believe in ghosts? He just said, you saw that too huh? The gate to our back yard is locked. There was no one (living) out there. We had just come from outside. Well we were telling her this story and she starting telling us about her dad. Her dad is deceased. And has been for a very long time. Every time she would mention his name or make reference to him, something would happen. Without fail. Footsteps on the gravel, lights flickering, unexplained noises and the hay that broke the camel's back was when an ungodly amount of bats emerged from the tree above causing all this unsettling noise. The very last time she mentioned him that evening, one single white feather fell from above and landed between Chris and I. We all booked it inside. 

My last rant for this very long post is pertaining to orbs. I know these are very easily disproven with dust in the lens but if that were the case, wouldn't all the pictures taken with that same camera and only seconds apart share the same orbs? The day of our wedding I had chris take some shots with my camera while Chantal took the official ones with hers. In several but not all of the photographs there appear to be orbs around my head or next to whomever was next to me. Here are some for you to look at....

              Some might think it's merely dusk, but some of us think it's our loved ones who have passed and continue to watch over us from the other side. Take it how you will.

I'm a very strong believer, and I believe that these pictures not only captured us, but also our loved ones that couldn't be there in the flesh. 

Goodnight all, don't let the bed bugs bite, or ghosts pull on your legs, or lay next to you. 

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