
Saturday, September 18, 2010

20 Weeks!

I've been on a mini vacation for the last few days so pardon my absence on this blog. I know I've got at most 3 readers but I still feel the need to post on here for my dear friends that I can't see or speak to on a regular basis. So here's what's been happening in my life since my last post... J and I took a Mini Baby moon down to the coast to say goodbye to the summer season. ( We aren't particularly fond of summer) and to spend some one on one time with each other. These last couple of months have been hectic for us for many reasons. In late May I was involved in an automobile accident when a very dumb driver decided it was a good idea to make a u-turn from her right lane straight into my lane which of course meant right into my car. Yay for super air headed girl drivers. Needless to say my poor Toyota Echo was totaled and now we're sharing one car. Although I got money back from the accident it was barley enough to keep us a float with our bills and debts so no new car for this mama :/ Then I had some issues with my family which is never fun. It seems as if that's all me and my family every do. Whatever, I've decided to keep my distance from those who bring nothing but drama into my life. Then our lease at our cricket infested apartment was up so we had to find a new place to live which of course costs money and lots of headaches. Finally found a place but not before shelling out quite a bit of money. Then we get the new place and we've got to move all our belongings from one place to the next but guess what... i'm of no help because i'm pregnant so poor J had to do most of it by himself with help from his brother when he wasn't working. So needless to say we needed to get away from the every day hustle and bustle of our daily routine. We were only gone for a day but it felt wonderful not having to worry about anything but having a great time. We got to walk on the beach at night, eat at a semi decent over priced restaurant :p, and most importantly enjoy one an other's company. We stayed in a hotel right in front of the beach and although it wasn't the nicest hotel it made for an easy walk to the beach the following morning. I believe we might be headed to LA in mid November to see one of my favorite bands perform. We aren't 100% sure because they haven't released the dates yet and with J's job we would have to know before mid Oct to see if he could get a few days off. I hope it happens but if it doesn't then it's not a big deal we could still go somewhere for the holiday's or something and do a last hoorah vacation before our rocker is born. 

Enough about my everyday life and more about this baby eh... well here goes.

On Sept.7th 2010, the day J and I had been anxiously awaiting we headed into the Dr.'s office for our anatomy scan. Basically what it is, is an ultra sound where the tech measures your baby to make sure they are growing at a normal rate and also to make sure all the limbs and organs are forming as they should. And of course for those of us who CANNOT wait it's also the ultrasound where you can find out the sex of your baby. So there we are nervous as all get up not only for the fact that we finally find out if we're having a boy or a girl but also because it's a mini baby physical. ^_^ So we go in and the tech puts that wonderful warm jelly on my belly. HAHA it rhymes. Any who, the ultra sound starts and we see the baby. Aww the baby is so big now compared to the size we had seen in July. Tech tries to get a look at the baby's genitalia but no go. Baby is in a ball so tight the only thing she can see is the head and the spine. Finally after the tech was almost done she starts poking and shaking my belly to get the baby to switch positions. Finally we were able to get a look and just as our families had suspected....It's a Boy!!! Yippie. So now I can officially say he and him without feeling guilty that it might be a girl.

Today I'm 20 weeks and I'm starting to feel more pregnant than in the previous weeks. I'm going on a limb here and say that it's because I'm getting bigger... lol. It's getting harder to sleep, to find comfortable positions even when sitting down and this stuffy nose situation is getting out of hand. My appetite is totally wack too. For about 2 weeks straight I was eating everything under the sun. No joke I would eat every hour because I would be starving! Now I can barley eat 1/4 of a meal. I went to the Dr's yesterday to finish up some tests and I was weighed before hand and I  have not gained not even one pound. I believe I've actually lost a few. The doctor didn't seem concerned so I'm not either. Hey if this is the route this pregnancy is taking then who am I to complain. I just hope it doesn't all add up in the end and I end up gaining 50 lbs in the last month. 

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