
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hi Guys

 Since last weeks post, J and I have officially moved into our new place and out of our old. We cleaned the old apartment and left it looking pretty nice with the exception of a few stains here and there on the carpet. We were there for a year and a half and living with 2 guys and a few pets...stains are to be expected. Now all that's left is turning in the key and never going back. That place was a mess, for the last 2 months we were there we had this terrible cricket infestation. I'm not making this stuff up either, those dang crickets would appear from thin air. Sitting on the couch watching some tube and here comes one from under the TV, or landing on J's shoulder. The worst was when I would go to bed and turn the covers down and they would be sitting there on my pillow. ARGH!!!! I was contemplating sleeping the the car because they were taking over our place. But I digress, that chapter in our lives is closed and the new one is unfolding quite nicely. 

So while cleaning out the place yesterday, I started sneezing like crazy and also noticed that I had a runny nose. At first I thought it might be a cold because poor J started sneezing as well. Then perhaps it was allergies or the fact that that place was so dusty my poor nose was trying to rid it's self of all that gunk.... Well I suppose it could have been allergies and all the dust but it's also has to do with the fact that I'm pregnant. I get weekly emails from which tell me how far along I am and all the things I should expect to feel, see this week. So this morning I was checking my email for my 17 week email and lo and behold there it is. Week 17..Due to the increase in blood flow you may be experiencing, Body Secretions fantastic!  This could be anything from profuse sweating, runny nose, nose bleeds, and of course vajayjay leakage. Lol. Being pregnant really is a load of surprises. So while sneezing my head off yesterday not only did I feel like crap I also noticed that I'm having some minor bladder issues as well. Sneezing and peeing go hand in hand I suppose. 

Today August.31.2010 I'm 17wks 3 days. We've got 9 days left until we find the sex. Can't wait ^_^

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