Saturday, November 13.2010 we entered into the 3rd trimester at 28 weeks. I must say it feels as if time is going by at a snails pace at times. I think it's mostly to do with how unbelievably uncomfortable I've been for the last few weeks. I'm starting to get tired a lot quicker than normal. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that my belly is getting quite big and my body is having a pickle and a half trying to hold up all the weight. I was doing so well the first 6 months of pregnancy not gaining weight that I knew it would all come back to me in the end. Since 2 weeks ago I had put on 10 lbs. Arg, I know I really shouldn't be so vain and it's good to gain the weight but it still hurts my ego. I try not to think about it but it's hard when I know I've got a Dr. Apt coming up. Today to be exact. So per the emails I get every week, Jett's been the size of an Eggplant for the last 3 weeks or so. Next week, he'll be the size of a squash :) I believe the chart said he should be weighing in at about 2 1/2 lbs but I'll confirm all that once I get to the Dr.'s this Afternoon. As the space in my belly is getting more cramped, I'm beginning to feel the baby more and more. Just the other day I was sitting on the couch working on my laptop and he kicked me so hard it shook the computer! It made me laugh and melt my heart all at the same time. I've come to the conclusion that our baby is a child of the night. During the day he'll be still and I'll feel a random jab here and there and for the most part my back isn't killing me. When it's time for me to TRY to catch some zzzz's that's when the party starts. He's jabbing my guts left and right, jumping up and down on my bladder, and I think he might be kicking my spine. He will not let me fall asleep until I've gotten up to pee at least 3 times and shifted positions 4 times for 10 min a piece. So really if I get to bed by 11 I'm usually not able to fall asleep until 11:45. Yay! But I'm not going to lie, I look forward to our nightly routine. It's a nice reminder that he's there and it's only a matter of time before we get to meet him.
80 Days to go! We cannot wait. J's getting anxious. Not to say that I'm not but I know he's been waiting for children a little longer than I have. He wants to be able to hold his child and love on him. :)
Oh, I'm known for my bizarre dreams so I figure I'd share the ones I can remember. Keep in mind that it's not the entire dream just bits and pieces of what I retained.
1- I was in a grocery store somewhere in the northeast I would imagine since it was cold and snowing outside. I walked in and walked over to the Deli section which for whatever reason was also the check out stand. I walk up and the butcher asks me what I want. I want some of this and some of that. The butcher is-not only a lady but she so happens to be Michelle Obama (random) any who she gives me the meats and I continue on my way. I walk down some aisles that resemble the aisles in a home depot. I think I was looking for some party favors. I finish up and walk to the cashier, which is also the butcher ( Mrs. Obama) I ask her why the heck she's working at *** as a butcher and she says that it's no big deal, she's got nothing else to do during the day so she just works to not be bored. She hands me a piggy bank with a big wad of cash and tells me to have a good day.
Here is what dream moods thinks my dream is about: (enjoy)
To see or win money in your dream, indicates that success and prosperity is within your reach. Money represents confidence, self-worth, success, or values. You have much belief in yourself.�Alternatively, dreaming about money, refers to your attitudes about love and matters of the heart. It is a common symbol for sexuality and power. In particular, finding money indicates your quest for love or for power.
To dream that you are in a market, represents some emotional or physical need that you are currently lacking in your life. You may be in need of nurturance and some fulfillment. Consider the specific items that you are shopping for. Alternatively, the market signifies frugality.
To see raw meat in your dream, represents obstacles and discouragements that you will come across as you move toward achieving your goals. Alternatively, it may reflect your untamed, animalistic nature and raw emotions.
2. Our baby was born and he was about a month old. I was holding him while I was walking around a public pool. There were lots of babies around and some older kids. They were all so noisy and messy. I look at our baby and he's looking right at me. He's gorgeous! He's super pale, with brownish hair and the bluest eyes I've ever seen on a person. I walk over to the edge of the pool and get in. I dangle his feet in the water and eventually let him float about on his own. It fast forwards a few years and Jett is about 3 years old. Were at hobby lobby looking for some paint. He's running around not listening to me and i'm getting so frustrated. I see J rounding the corner and Jett looks at him and without saying a word drops what he's doing. He's wearing a shirt that simply has a J. on the front and J is wearing the same shirt. We grab his hand and walk out the door. I wake up.
To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted.
To dream of an extremely small baby, symbolizes your helplessness and your fears of letting others become aware of your vulnerabilities and incompetence. You may be afraid to ask for help and as a result tend to take matters into your own hands.�To dream that you are dipping a baby in and out of water, signifies regression. You are regressing to a time where you had no worries and responsibilities. Alternatively, such a scenario is reminisce of when the baby is in the fetus and in its comfort zone. In fact, some expectant mothers even give birth in a pool, because the environment in the water mimics the environment in the uterus. It is less traumatic for the baby as it emerges into the world. So perhaps, the dream represents your search for your own comfort zone.
To see children in your dream, signify an aspect of yourself and your childlike qualities. You may be retreating back to a childlike state and longing for the past. You are trying to still satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Perhaps there is something that you need to see grow and nurture. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. Alternatively, the dream may be highlighting your innocence, purity, simplicity, and carefree attitude. If you are fighting with children, then it implies that you are repressing your inner child. The children could represent someone in your waking life (coworker, mate, sibling, etc.) who is acting like a child. If you see children fighting in your dream, then it means that your sense of morality and character are in conflict.
J and I started working on the nursery on Sunday and pretty much got everything done with the exception of a few things. We still have to paint the walls, put up some curtains, and hang up some shelves and pictures. Other than that our little man's room is for the most part complete. The only thing left to buy now for his room is the changing table. The room looks so nice, it's nicer than any of the other rooms in the house :) it's putting us to shame.
That's all I've got for today folks. I'm trying my hardest not to pass out flat on my face on the keyboard. I'm so tired this morning and all I want is to take a nap. Coffee has done nothing in the way of keeping me awake. :/ but then again i'm certain there was more sugar and foam in that small cup of cookie tasting goodness than actual joe.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
First signs of movement....
My wonderful, sweet, fantastic husband is picking up some OT at work to prepare us for what's coming our way. A little bundle of joy and the fact that i'll be out for work for 8 weeks or so.We are trying to get some what financially ready as well as mentally. Financially is way easier than mentally BTW. No matter how long you've got to prepare yourself, I feel as though you'll never truly be ready for the immense amount of responsibility a child really is. Not saying we aren't ecstatic about our little boy, it's just a completely different mind set than what we're use to and with a little time a practice i'm sure we'll get the hang of things.
This morning as J and I were sitting in the parking lot of his work, I leaned over on his shoulder and smelled his shirt. I don't know why I do this but it always makes me feel so at ease. I love the smell of him so much that when he isn't in the room and I'm having trouble falling asleep or I just miss him, I'll spray his body spray on the pillows to make me feel better. I'm lame, yes I know but I can't help love everything about that man. He's truly an exceptional person and I'm so incredibly grateful to have him in my life. So as I was saying, we were sitting in the parking lot waiting til he had to go in and I kept feeling this slight poking sensation in my gut and at first I chalked it up to it being so early and perhaps I was hungry. It stopped for about 20 seconds and then it picked up again. At this point I told J that I think the baby is nudging me. He put his hand on my belly but wasn't able to feel anything. I told him that at this stage in the pregnancy the baby can make out our voices and he could have a conversation with the baby. He started talking to him and OMG OMG OMG HE MOVED!!!!!!!!!! He said, I love you little buddy and the baby went nuts. I could feel him like I've never felt him before. It almost felt like he was doing cartwheels in there. My heart sunk. The love of my life and the love of OUR lives have officially met. It was a beautiful moment in the lives of J and Jen. I have so much unconditional love for this child already I can only imagine what it'll be like when we actually hold him for the first time. Oh, there he goes again. He totally just punched me in the gut. ♥ ♥ ♥
This morning as J and I were sitting in the parking lot of his work, I leaned over on his shoulder and smelled his shirt. I don't know why I do this but it always makes me feel so at ease. I love the smell of him so much that when he isn't in the room and I'm having trouble falling asleep or I just miss him, I'll spray his body spray on the pillows to make me feel better. I'm lame, yes I know but I can't help love everything about that man. He's truly an exceptional person and I'm so incredibly grateful to have him in my life. So as I was saying, we were sitting in the parking lot waiting til he had to go in and I kept feeling this slight poking sensation in my gut and at first I chalked it up to it being so early and perhaps I was hungry. It stopped for about 20 seconds and then it picked up again. At this point I told J that I think the baby is nudging me. He put his hand on my belly but wasn't able to feel anything. I told him that at this stage in the pregnancy the baby can make out our voices and he could have a conversation with the baby. He started talking to him and OMG OMG OMG HE MOVED!!!!!!!!!! He said, I love you little buddy and the baby went nuts. I could feel him like I've never felt him before. It almost felt like he was doing cartwheels in there. My heart sunk. The love of my life and the love of OUR lives have officially met. It was a beautiful moment in the lives of J and Jen. I have so much unconditional love for this child already I can only imagine what it'll be like when we actually hold him for the first time. Oh, there he goes again. He totally just punched me in the gut. ♥ ♥ ♥
Little sleep today, but our baby has brought us so much happiness so early in the morning that it's totally worth it.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
20 Weeks!
I've been on a mini vacation for the last few days so pardon my absence on this blog. I know I've got at most 3 readers but I still feel the need to post on here for my dear friends that I can't see or speak to on a regular basis. So here's what's been happening in my life since my last post... J and I took a Mini Baby moon down to the coast to say goodbye to the summer season. ( We aren't particularly fond of summer) and to spend some one on one time with each other. These last couple of months have been hectic for us for many reasons. In late May I was involved in an automobile accident when a very dumb driver decided it was a good idea to make a u-turn from her right lane straight into my lane which of course meant right into my car. Yay for super air headed girl drivers. Needless to say my poor Toyota Echo was totaled and now we're sharing one car. Although I got money back from the accident it was barley enough to keep us a float with our bills and debts so no new car for this mama :/ Then I had some issues with my family which is never fun. It seems as if that's all me and my family every do. Whatever, I've decided to keep my distance from those who bring nothing but drama into my life. Then our lease at our cricket infested apartment was up so we had to find a new place to live which of course costs money and lots of headaches. Finally found a place but not before shelling out quite a bit of money. Then we get the new place and we've got to move all our belongings from one place to the next but guess what... i'm of no help because i'm pregnant so poor J had to do most of it by himself with help from his brother when he wasn't working. So needless to say we needed to get away from the every day hustle and bustle of our daily routine. We were only gone for a day but it felt wonderful not having to worry about anything but having a great time. We got to walk on the beach at night, eat at a semi decent over priced restaurant :p, and most importantly enjoy one an other's company. We stayed in a hotel right in front of the beach and although it wasn't the nicest hotel it made for an easy walk to the beach the following morning. I believe we might be headed to LA in mid November to see one of my favorite bands perform. We aren't 100% sure because they haven't released the dates yet and with J's job we would have to know before mid Oct to see if he could get a few days off. I hope it happens but if it doesn't then it's not a big deal we could still go somewhere for the holiday's or something and do a last hoorah vacation before our rocker is born.
Enough about my everyday life and more about this baby eh... well here goes.
On Sept.7th 2010, the day J and I had been anxiously awaiting we headed into the Dr.'s office for our anatomy scan. Basically what it is, is an ultra sound where the tech measures your baby to make sure they are growing at a normal rate and also to make sure all the limbs and organs are forming as they should. And of course for those of us who CANNOT wait it's also the ultrasound where you can find out the sex of your baby. So there we are nervous as all get up not only for the fact that we finally find out if we're having a boy or a girl but also because it's a mini baby physical. ^_^ So we go in and the tech puts that wonderful warm jelly on my belly. HAHA it rhymes. Any who, the ultra sound starts and we see the baby. Aww the baby is so big now compared to the size we had seen in July. Tech tries to get a look at the baby's genitalia but no go. Baby is in a ball so tight the only thing she can see is the head and the spine. Finally after the tech was almost done she starts poking and shaking my belly to get the baby to switch positions. Finally we were able to get a look and just as our families had suspected....It's a Boy!!! Yippie. So now I can officially say he and him without feeling guilty that it might be a girl.
Today I'm 20 weeks and I'm starting to feel more pregnant than in the previous weeks. I'm going on a limb here and say that it's because I'm getting bigger... lol. It's getting harder to sleep, to find comfortable positions even when sitting down and this stuffy nose situation is getting out of hand. My appetite is totally wack too. For about 2 weeks straight I was eating everything under the sun. No joke I would eat every hour because I would be starving! Now I can barley eat 1/4 of a meal. I went to the Dr's yesterday to finish up some tests and I was weighed before hand and I have not gained not even one pound. I believe I've actually lost a few. The doctor didn't seem concerned so I'm not either. Hey if this is the route this pregnancy is taking then who am I to complain. I just hope it doesn't all add up in the end and I end up gaining 50 lbs in the last month.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hi Guys
Since last weeks post, J and I have officially moved into our new place and out of our old. We cleaned the old apartment and left it looking pretty nice with the exception of a few stains here and there on the carpet. We were there for a year and a half and living with 2 guys and a few pets...stains are to be expected. Now all that's left is turning in the key and never going back. That place was a mess, for the last 2 months we were there we had this terrible cricket infestation. I'm not making this stuff up either, those dang crickets would appear from thin air. Sitting on the couch watching some tube and here comes one from under the TV, or landing on J's shoulder. The worst was when I would go to bed and turn the covers down and they would be sitting there on my pillow. ARGH!!!! I was contemplating sleeping the the car because they were taking over our place. But I digress, that chapter in our lives is closed and the new one is unfolding quite nicely.
So while cleaning out the place yesterday, I started sneezing like crazy and also noticed that I had a runny nose. At first I thought it might be a cold because poor J started sneezing as well. Then perhaps it was allergies or the fact that that place was so dusty my poor nose was trying to rid it's self of all that gunk.... Well I suppose it could have been allergies and all the dust but it's also has to do with the fact that I'm pregnant. I get weekly emails from which tell me how far along I am and all the things I should expect to feel, see this week. So this morning I was checking my email for my 17 week email and lo and behold there it is. Week 17..Due to the increase in blood flow you may be experiencing, Body Secretions fantastic! This could be anything from profuse sweating, runny nose, nose bleeds, and of course vajayjay leakage. Lol. Being pregnant really is a load of surprises. So while sneezing my head off yesterday not only did I feel like crap I also noticed that I'm having some minor bladder issues as well. Sneezing and peeing go hand in hand I suppose.
Today August.31.2010 I'm 17wks 3 days. We've got 9 days left until we find the sex. Can't wait ^_^
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
My prego montage
1st BFP May.30.2010 |
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1st & 2nd BFP's May.30.2010 |
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3rd BFP May.31.2010(because if for some reason the first two were wrong, this digital one would clarify any confusion) |
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1st Ultrasound |
It's starting to set in.... Oh snap we're totally going to be parents. This is also the ultrasound we gave our parents when we told them they'll be g-parents in the near future.
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Second Ultrasound This is the ultrasound we got the morning J and I were married ^_^ July.26.2010 |
16wks 3days.
I wasn't showing much before so I didn't find it necessary to post my gut just for the sake of a post. I'll take bi-weekly photos since i'm expanding at a faster rate these days.
Introduction 08.24.2010
Hello, and welcome to this segment of Baby May Cry
Here as your host is mommy in the making Jeeeeeeeenifer A....
So as many of you may or may not already know I am a total nerd and find humor in the little things such as this totally lame intro to a post ^_^ But I have a feeling most of you do know me and in some way, shape or form also know my partner in crime and daddy to be J! To explain the name of the blog which you can see is Baby May Cry, I must first describe my life as a gamers wife. My wonderful husband J is a longtime gamer who likes to spend his free time playing games on his much prized PS3. That is of course only after he's spent time with me walking up and down the beach, dissipating clouds with his mind. Baby May Cry is an adaptation that my husband and I came up with while being, well you know, nerdy. It's a take on the widely known video game, Devil May Cry. I'm sure you can gather that the word Devil and a baby blog don't go hand in hand, unless you are of course describing a heathen child, so to make things a bit more baby friendly we've changed the name to Baby May Cry.
Today, August 24th I am 16 weeks and 3 days along. As of now we don't know if we're team blue or pink and it's driving me kind of insane. Not because I'm favoring one gender more than the other ;) but simply for the fact that I want to be able to call him/her by their name and also because I love to shop and shopping for a tiny person is way too much fun especially if it's gender specific. I want to start planning out the nursery and to do that I must know the sex. So for the time being I'm nesting like a momma bird. Cleaning every surface that can be cleaned.
I'm counting down the days til we find out which by today's date we've got 16 days left. Sept.7.2010. YIPPIE!!!!!
Well folks that's all I've got for now, stay tuned for some pictures and more posts. Until then have a marvelous day.
Here as your host is mommy in the making Jeeeeeeeenifer A....
So as many of you may or may not already know I am a total nerd and find humor in the little things such as this totally lame intro to a post ^_^ But I have a feeling most of you do know me and in some way, shape or form also know my partner in crime and daddy to be J! To explain the name of the blog which you can see is Baby May Cry, I must first describe my life as a gamers wife. My wonderful husband J is a longtime gamer who likes to spend his free time playing games on his much prized PS3. That is of course only after he's spent time with me walking up and down the beach, dissipating clouds with his mind. Baby May Cry is an adaptation that my husband and I came up with while being, well you know, nerdy. It's a take on the widely known video game, Devil May Cry. I'm sure you can gather that the word Devil and a baby blog don't go hand in hand, unless you are of course describing a heathen child, so to make things a bit more baby friendly we've changed the name to Baby May Cry.
Today, August 24th I am 16 weeks and 3 days along. As of now we don't know if we're team blue or pink and it's driving me kind of insane. Not because I'm favoring one gender more than the other ;) but simply for the fact that I want to be able to call him/her by their name and also because I love to shop and shopping for a tiny person is way too much fun especially if it's gender specific. I want to start planning out the nursery and to do that I must know the sex. So for the time being I'm nesting like a momma bird. Cleaning every surface that can be cleaned.
I'm counting down the days til we find out which by today's date we've got 16 days left. Sept.7.2010. YIPPIE!!!!!
Well folks that's all I've got for now, stay tuned for some pictures and more posts. Until then have a marvelous day.
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