
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Baby Whipped

How is it that someone so small can have such power over me. He knows how to work the system and isn't even old enough to know about the system. He can fool me to do just about anything and guess what, I'll fall for it every time. He likes to play this game with me that's called, Hey mom I see you are about to sit down to eat your breakfast well guess what??? I'm hungry!! NOW!!!!!! So I go warm up his bottle take him out of his bassinet, put a bib on and he refuses to take the damn thing. I sit there and try for 15 min and he'll take perhaps 1oz then I just give up and put the bottle back in the fridge. I go warm up my now cold food, sit down to eat and get about 5 bites in when WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhh I'm hungry again! OMG are you serious child???? He does this to me at least twice a day. It's really quite hilarious. But he's gotten to the point where he can recognize my smell and lets say I step outside or leave the room and leave him with J. He'll be a perfect angel, not one peep. The second I come around the corner he starts yelling at the top of his lungs and wanting me to pick him up and of course I comply. He's so incredibly spoiled!!! It's like he knows I'm talking about him, he just started crying for no reason. That's the life of a mother though and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.

The Dr's Appointment went well. She said he possibly had a slight cold but nothing to be concerned with. More than likely it's just the weather that's causing him to have a stuffy nose. That and the fact that we turn the heater on when it gets too cold could be drying out his sinuses. I got him a vaporizer today, hoping it helps a bit with the stuffiness. Since yesterday he's been consistantly taking in 4oz in his bottle every 3 1/2 hours or so. He's weighing 7lbs 12oz! At this rate he'll be 8lbs by the weekend. :) Knowing my child is growing so well makes me feel so good. The Pedi said he should be caught up with his peers by month 3! That's my boy ^_^

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