
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Being Crafy

I finally got the nerve, courage and will power to go get the supplies I needed to start making my own cloth diapers. I was hesitant to make the plunge because I had tried before and failed. A good friend of mine and myself had gone out to buy the supplies and we tried making some but they didn't turn out the way we had hoped. I wasn't 100% on how to sew elastic and it was my biggest obstacle. After many many countless hours of online research I was able to obtain the information I needed to finally give it another shot. I found a pattern online and began my adventure. After about 2 hours of cutting and trying to tread my sewing machine I began the sewing. The whole process took about 3 hours but it was my 2nd (1st) attempt and was still learning on the way. I think I've got a good enough grasp on what I should and shouldn't so my following diapers will come out nicer and I won't spend as much time. All in all I'm very pleased with the final product and I'm incredibly proud of myself :p

I'll post some pictures tomorrow since both my phone and my camera are sans battery juice :(

On baby news, Jett is doing splendid. He's napping in his rocker making noises as I speak. He's growing and continues to amaze me. He's more alert now, and makes definite eye contact with us. He gazes at the walls and ceiling and when he's getting his diaper changed, he likes to stare at the paper lanterns in his room. He also likes to melt my heart with his half crooked smile. He got a bath today because he likes to wear his milk rather than drinking it and unlike before, he's actually enjoying bath time now. The initial undressing and placing in the tub is still a meltdown but once he feels the warm water on his bum he starts singing a different tune. He looks up at me and makes his cooing face which makes me just fall in love with him all over again. I'm not sure how much he's weighing at the moment since we don't have to go back to the Pedi until the 24th. I am however purchasing a baby scale from a fellow CL'er tomorrow so I can keep track of his progress. I'll post pictures of said made diaper as well as some candid's from bath time and weight tomorrow.

Good Night!

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