
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Smokey and the baby

A few days ago, I was on my way to Walmart to pick up a humidifier for Jett. He's been a little congested for the last week and with good reason. The weather here has been erratic to say the least. Two days of frigid cold even snow then the next day it's 70 degrees :/ Well on my way back to the house I see this mini van trying to merge to the lane next to mine but being cautious of Austin drivers I reduced my speed in the event she wanted to swing over to my lane. Well they didn't and I picked up my speed to match the other cars. Well as I'm approaching this van I see that the woman is smoking a cigarette with the window slightly cracked. I'm not going to deny anyone a cigarette because I would be a hypocrite. I also smoke but there is one key difference between that lady and myself. I would NEVER smoke in front of my child much less while driving with my child in the back seat. I was so incredibly angry when I saw that this woman had not one but TWO children in the car with her, not to mention her tit of a husband sitting next to her. You'd think that in a situation like this where one parent cannot seem to make the right decision that perhaps the partner would step up and say "Hey, at least wait til we get out of the car to smoke" but no, he just sat there being complacent. Nothing gets my blood boiling more than irresponsible parents. If you can't see that's not okay to do GOD knows what else you could have done while pregnant with these kiddos and what you're possibly doing now. That's my rant of the week, I just couldn't believe what I had seen and I wanted to share with you guys.

On baby news, Jett is doing well. He's a bit congested like I mentioned earlier and the humidifier doesn't seem to be working as well as I had hoped so I've scheduled a Dr's Appointment for tomorrow morning. Other than that and the occasional sneeze he's doing marvelous. He's at 7lbs10oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He's eating quite a bit more than before.  This morning I fed him 2 oz, then 1 1/2 hours later he took 4oz then an hour after that he took an additional oz. So total in a span of 2 1/2 hours he had consumed 6 1/2 oz. At the latest feeding at 2:30 he only took in 2oz :/ he's still getting used to the larger amounts. He's been sleeping in his own crib since Saturday but not for the whole night. J stays up later and keeps him downstairs with him until he comes up. He only stays in there for about 3 hours until I wake up and take him with me.

On sewing news, I've made 3 diapers so far but only the last one was one that actually worked. I finally gave in a purchased a pattern and I gotta say I'm very pleased with it. It's got very detailed explinations and pictures along with tons and tons of patterns for different types of dipes. The one I made with the new pattern still isn't great but it's much better than the other ones and it actually fits Jett. I wasn't able to finish it because my sewing machine decided to stop working at the last min. I'll fix tonight and perhaps get a couple of diapers in before I hit the hay.

I'm making dinner right now and I've got Jett in my baby carrier. I was afraid to use with him for a little while because he was so small and the recomended weight was 8lbs. I decided to give it a shot and he fits just fine. He's so calm and I get to carry him right next to my heart as I make dinner for us.

♥ my life!

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