
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Will you be my friend?

Today was a good day.... ya know like that song... Ice Cube... Anyways, It was a great day. Jett and I went to visit my friend and partner in most of my crimes, Chantal. We spent the whole evening chit chatting about all things babies among other things. I've come to a point in my life where I needed to essentially grow up! I needed to put all my negativity and issues in a bag and dispose of them and that's what I've done. Life is entirely too short to fuss and complain about every little thing. Be grateful for what you've got and don't spend precious energy and time on envying anyone or saying "why me". Play the cards you've been dealt the best that you can and learn from your mistakes. I was very selfish in my actions and my attitude as a whole and it nearly cost me a very meaningful relationship. I'm grateful that we've been able to grow and learn from the situation and will continue on our Journey as has been planned by fate. There is a propose for everything in life. People come and go but the ones that stick by your side no matter how much of an ass you may be are the ones that are put there to make you a better person. I feel very lucky to have people like that in my life and each one of them has helped me in one way or another. There's a saying my mom use to say " Dime con quien andas, y te dire quen sos" Translated to English it's " Tell me who you're friends are, and I'll tell you who you are" And I truly believe that. Like they say, You are what you eat, well the same goes with the people you let into your life. You're friends are just an extension of who you are. Life isn't easy, and at times it can seem like you'll never get past all the hurdles thrown at you, but that's when you have to turn to your friends, family or whoever will be there to help you. That's what friends are for. For all my friends, Thank you for being there for me when I've needed you the most. Thank you for letting me cry and not judge me for my stupid mistakes. Thank you for being you! My new year's resolution is to be a better friend, wife, mother, child, sister. I want to right all my wrongs. Here's to a fantastic 2011. A year of love, peace and babies!

♥ You all!