
Saturday, February 5, 2011

7 weeks today.

Feb.5th is when our little bundle of joy was suppose to enter this world. However, he had other plans and came 7 weeks ahead of schedule. As I might not know the reasoning behind his early arrival right now, I'm sure there is a very good reason for him being early but only time will tell. Last night, rather this morning Jett slept in his crib for the first time. I took him upstairs to his bedroom around 2am after feeding him and I headed to bed. He woke up right around 5am I'm assuming because when I got up to use the restroom and he wasn't in his crib, he was downstairs with J. I feel bad because he was probably crying and I just didn't hear him. Luckly J is on FMLA at the moment and has been breaking dawn for the last week so I can go to bed and he'll take care of Jett.

So I weighed him this afternoon and he's at 7lbs 7oz! and 20in long! He's 7weeks actual and 0days adjusted. He still wakes up every 3 hours to eat and he's taking in 3 to 3 1/2 oz, sometimes he'll even take 4. He's still using his sposies until we run out and I can complete his diaper covers. I've got one done like I said in my previous post and tried it on him a few days ago. It didn't go as planned but I think I know what I did wrong. First off I didn't have the snappi's for the pre-fold, the pre-fold it's self is huge and it's difficult to fold when he's wiggling all over the place and lastly the elastic. That damn elastic will be the death of me. I've got to make it more scrunchy. There is too much of a gap between the cover and his legs. That could also be due to the fact that Jett has slender legs IDK, but i'm revising the pattern and will be making another tonight.

OH oh oh, I put Jett down for some tummy time today and he completely surprised me. He was really upset with me because he was hungry and I was too busy filming him. He was squirming on the ground and was getting really really mad and all of a sudden he starts turning and stayed for a bit then wham, he's flat on his back. HE ROLLED OVER!!!!!!!!!! OMG I couldn't believe it. Here is the video...

That's it for today, here are some recent pictures of Jett

First time wearing his Pocket Diapers

With his uncle Chris and a candy bar that's called Jet

The first time he didn't flip out while getting a bath.

After his bath and the first time being in his crib

Jett and Ronin on his Due Date

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